
For the thoughts of mind and the beat of the heart should always be for a better and greater future

The lady with the sweet smile: for it is in my heart

for it is in my heart

that I find love so true

it is in my heart’s dreams

in it’s desires and tears

that I find love’s sweet hope..

it is in your sweet smile

as bright as the summer sun

that awakens love so real

in my beating heart

and sends a faithful soul

soaring into the heavens.


for it is in my heart

that you will find

with every beat

love and caring

and that of one desire

that your heart smiles

forever and a day.

for if it be the only way

that my heart can be assured

that you be safe and happy

then my heart will hope

and my soul will pray

to the Father, to the Son

the Blessed Mother,

and through the Holy Spirit

that it be so.


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  1. Pingback: The lady with the sweet smile: for it is in my heart | eddoyas

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